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Abstractions for managing I2C devices.


A basic (non-pmbus) hwmon I2C device type.
An instantiated I2C device.
The information needed to instantiate an I2C device.
A PMBus I2C device type.


An enum for an I2C device type.


The sysfs directory into which all i2c devices are mapped.


A map of supported I2C device types.
A set of device types known to be PMBus sensors.


Retrieve an I2CDeviceType for the given device type string.
Find an existing I2CDevice in devmap for the given params, or instantiate one and add it to devmap if not. Returns:

Type Definitions

Lookup table for finding I2CDevices. Weak<> because we only want them kept alive by (strong, Arc<>) references from Sensors so they get dropped when the last sensor using them goes away.