Expand description

Relatively generic convenience types.


A newtype for a dbus path to reduce the likelihood of mixing up inventory paths and sensor paths.
A wrapper type for a dbus_crossroads dbus interface. The intent is that T is a collection of PropChgMsgFns, one per property of the interface.
A newtype for a dbus path to reduce the likelihood of mixing up inventory paths and sensor paths.


A data structure to represent an optional allowlist. This could just be an Option<HashSet<T>> with None meaning “allow everything”, but this is a bit more explicit (and “none means all” is sort of counterintuitive, after all…), and allows more natural, readable querying via FilterSet::contains().


Construct an Error of kind ErrorKind::InvalidData with the given payload.
Construct an Error of kind ErrorKind::NotFound with the given payload.
Construct an Error of kind ErrorKind::Other with the given payload.
Construct an Error of kind ErrorKind::Unsupported with the given payload.
mk_err 🔒
Internal helper for concisely creating an ErrResult.

Type Definitions

A generic Result type for things that can fail.
Alias for functions for generating dbus PropertiesChanged messages.